Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Engineers Create Self-Operated Butt-Kicking Machine


The Butt-Kicking Machine
The Butt-Kicking Machine

Backside Booter Designed To Motivate - or maybe fulfill someone's desires of masochism?

The engineers at Leavitt and Associates in Idaho have developed an interesting new device designed to motivate employees. " It's called the World Famous Manually Self-Operated Butt-Kicking Machine," said creator J. Reese Leavitt. "It is for your butt-kicking enjoyment."

Leavitt says the Butt-Kicking Machine came out of a brainstorming meeting when he and his co-workers were talking about raising employee productivity. He says this was a fun invention to work on.

"Well, we don't always get to do projects as exciting and fun as this project," said Leavitt.
The Butt-Kicking Machine
The Butt-Kicking Machine

The engineers even came up with an operating manual that breaks down the backside booting. You just have to sit firmly on your fanny, fasten the seat belt and apply the appropriate pressure.

A size 9 Chuck Taylor will hit your hindquarters. "That, by the way, is the most expensive part of the machine," said Leavitt. "The shoe cost us about $40."

The total cost is $250, but becoming the butt of jokes or the posterior of pranks is priceless.

"We think we're simple-minded engineers," said Leavitt. "There's a simple solution for every problem and we always seek to find that simple solution."
The Butt-Kicking Machine
The Butt-Kicking Machine

Leavitt says he has researched a patent on the Butt-Kicking Machine and has found no matches.
The Butt-Kicking Machine

Leavitt and his associates plan on renting out the machine for fundraisers.

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