Sunday, October 02, 2022

Letter to my wife

Dear Wife, 

I'm sending you this email,

To bring you up to date on the Events of our family!

I tried to talk to you, While you were on your computer,

But you just kept telling me that, You would BRB...??

Whatever that means!

So, I decided to send you this email.

John Jr. cut his first tooth today.

He's the one you bounce On your knee while typing.

Remember how he giggles when..

He hears the "UT OH" sound?

Sorry about him dropping his,

Peanut butter sandwich on your keyboard.

Is it working OK since I cleaned it up for you?

Can you read the letters I tried to paint

Back on you keyboard?

Most of them had been rubbed off!

Susie had her first date Sat. night.

She had a good time and said to thank

You for letting them use your car.

She put the keys back on the key rack,

Underneath the cobwebs,

Where she found them!

Do you realize that she wears the

Same size clothes as you do?

In case you've forgotten her,

She's the one who has you raise your

Feet when she's running the sweeper.

Tim is playing football.

He looks forward to going to school

Now that he has a sport to play.

He wanted to know if you would

Come to one of his games .. if..

We brought you a laptop to bring along?

Do you remember him?

He's the one who ..

Empties your port-a potty for you!


Let's see ..

Since the last time I wrote you ...

( 3 months ago )

The refrigerator had to be replaced,

The dog died from old age,

Your mother and dad painted the room,

Where your computer is.

Hope you like the colour!

The church has a new pastor,

The president has been impeached,

And oh yes ..

I have a new job!

Well, I think that's about it.

I'll email you again in about 3 months.

You take care of yourself honey.

We all miss you very much,

And will see you the next time.

The power goes off!


Your Husband!!

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