Thursday, October 13, 2022

Coming Out Step-by-Step


Friends Don't Let Friends Stay In The Closet 
Friends Don't Let Friends Stay In The Closet

What does it mean to come out? 

Coming out is the process of personally accepting your sexuality and disclosing it to yourself, family, co-workers and friends. Coming out is different for every gay or bisexual person since there are varying degrees of sexuality (see Kinsey Scale) and the circumstances that surround our lifestyles differ. 

Coming out is a confusing time for many people. Accepting your sexuality (or coming out to yourself) can bring about a number of fears. Will your family or friends stop loving you? Will you ever get married or have children? Will you be discrimated against or made fun of? These are all valid concerns mainly rooted in the fear of the unknown; which is why many referece coming out as being reborn. 

This is an opporunity for you to look introspectively and re-evalutate who you are and who you want to be.


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