Tuesday, April 19, 2022

It's here! It's here! Ubuntu 22.04 LTS!

Ubuntu 22.04
Click on the image to make it bigger

This is still installed in my VirtualBox virtual machine. I have been testing the daily build of Ubuntu LTS development edition for the last 6 months and am pleased to say I filed 3 bug reports to the devs that are developing Ubuntu 22.04. It is not on my production machine as its actually still a beta. To be released April 21st. I will be upgrading from 20.04 around June when the first .1 release comes out. It's all about stability.
Also this brand new up-to-date operating system is 100% free, and supported free for the next 5 years as it is an LTS (Long Term Support) version of Ubuntu. Long live Ubuntu! Long live Linux!

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