Sunday, January 23, 2022

Bob and Larry (and what the goat saw)

Once upon a time two guys, Bob and Larry, were walking through a forest and they came across this HUGE hole in the ground. They pondered the possibility of just how deep the hole might be. 

Bob said to Larry, “Larry, I bet we just need to throw a rock down in the hole and then we will know how deep it is.” So Bob threw a rock in the hole. They waited and waited, and never heard a blasted thing. Larry said, “Bob, we need a bigger rock!” 

So Larry went and found a bigger rock, it was almost as big as Bob. Larry hucked the rock in the hole and they waited. They waited some more, still not a blasted thing. Then Bob broke the silence by exclaiming, “We need something BIGGER!” 

He went walking through the forest and came back with an old railroad tie, hoisted it above his head and threw it in the hole. They waited and waited, then out of no where this goat came running through the forest. The goat was moving so fast Bob and Larry barely got a glimpse of it as it flew up in the air and jumped down the hole. 

Bob turned to Larry and said, “That is just about the strangest thing I’ve ever seen .” Bob and Larry sat and pondered the speed of the goat for a couple of minutes and then along came farmer Randy. Randy asked Bob and Larry (with a thick Montana accent), “Have y’all seen a goat around here?” Bob and Larry glanced at each other and then retold the story of the goat running through the forest and jumping into the hole. 

Randy, looking confused (as Montana ranchers named Randy usually are), responded (again with a thick Montana accent), “That couldn’t have been my goat… he was chained to a railroad tie.”

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