Saturday, December 25, 2021

R.I.P. Pam Heslop (Pammy)


Pam Heslop and me
It is with a heavy heart that I have to make this post so close to Christmas, or anytime for that matter. My best friend Pam passed away on December 22nd. Pam was my best friend for over 30 years. Pam had a delightful smile and an infectious personality. Though she was quite ill over the last few years, I always enjoyed spending time with her. You have to treasure your friends, someday they will be gone, like Pam. 

Pam worked with me at 7-Eleven as my Assistant Manager (that is how we met). Every time I was transferred I brought Pam along to help. She was the best employee one could have. 

She love Minaki lake and I wish I had seen it with her. She talked about it often. 

I will miss her terribly. Every time I visited Winnipeg, I took her out to lunch at Salisbury House. We enjoyed that time together. Even seeing her just once or twice per year was a wonderful time together. We talked like we had over the years and never ran out of things to say. The lunch generally ran into a 2 hour+ chat about everything.

We started out as co workers but developed into a strong friendship. I hadn't seen her much since I left Winnipeg, but she was always the first person I looked up when visiting. Our conversations came easy and it seemed like we could always start where we left off. 

Pam was a great mother to Amanda, and wife to Dan. Nothing really seemed to phase her, She took everything in stride. Amanda said she was impatient, but I never saw that. She was always the cool head while we worked at 7-Eleven.

58 Years is way to young to be saying goodbye, Pam.

Pam and me

Pam and me

Miss you already Pammy. Hugs and kisses to you in Heaven.




  1. Thank you for posting this Brian. I worked with Pam at Petro Canada for a number of years. She was a great person and fun to work with.


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