Thursday, November 18, 2021

Surfing more addictive than coffee for some


No More Coffee

Coffee or 

It seems that some workers, given the choice, would rather forego their caffeine fix than give up the privilege of accessing non-work-related sites through their corporate Internet connection. 

In a survey conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of Websense Inc., 50 per cent of respondents said that they would rather give up their morning coffee than the ability to use the Internet for personal use. 

The phone survey of 500 American workers and 351 IT decision makers is considered to have a 95 per cent probability of being accurate to within 4.4 percentage points. Nearly one in four said they watch or listen to streaming media from work, and 93 per cent said they spend at least some time accessing the Internet at work. 

Although map, news, and weather sites were the most commonly visited, 12 per cent said they looked at porn -- though 95 per cent said their visit to a porn site was "accidental." You know how it is -- it's so easy to inadvertently type "" when you meant to type "Google maps."

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