Monday, October 18, 2021

Windows 11 Desktop vs. Ubuntu 20.04 Desktop

Which came first? The chicken or the egg?

I think Microsoft has been taking theming cues from Ubuntu, with the new desktop of Windows 11, released October 5th. Below is a screenshot of Windows 11 and a screenshot of The Wizard's Ubuntu desktop:

Windows 11 Desktop
Windows 11
Ubuntu 20.04 Screenshot
Ubuntu 20.04

From these 2 screenshots you can see the influence from Ubuntu on the "Brand New" Windows 11 desktop, which was released October 5th, 2021. Ubuntu 20.04 was released April 23rd, 2020. Note that the desktop featured in Ubuntu 20.04 actually debuted many years and many versions ago. Note that Ubuntu includes a Top Bar that Windows 11 combines with the dock at the bottom of the screen. Also note that it is impossible to modify the Windows theme experience whereas in Ubuntu you have much much more control at modifying the theme and the desktop.

Windows 11 desktop
Windows 11

Ubuntu 20.04 desktop
Ubuntu 20.04
It's impossible not to see the similarities between these two operating systems. I guess it's like they say... Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!

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