Thursday, September 23, 2021

One for the Cree Kids...

Cree Kids 

The teacher walks in and finds an apple on her desk with the letters "ILU" written on it. She asks who left the apple, and a little white girl raises her hand. Well, sweetie, what does "ILU" mean?" 

The little girl replies, "I love you." 

The teacher says, "isn't that sweet" and continues with class.

The next day the teacher finds a banana on her desk with the letters "YAS" written on it. The teacher asks who left the banana and what the letters meant. 

A little white boy raises his hand and says, "It means, "You are special" 

"Thank you sweetheart," the teacher says. 

The following day, the teacher walks in to find a basket of bannock with the letters "F U C K" written on it. The enraged teacher asks who left it. 

A little Indian girl raises her hand and cheerfully says, "Yes ma'am, I left it. It means, "From Us Cree Kids."

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