Tuesday, December 22, 2020

How Angels came to Sit on Christmas Trees


It was a horrible day for Santa. Upon waking the day before Christmas there was a terrible fog that had engulfed most of the Arctic Circle. When he came down for breakfast he discovered that Mrs. Clause had a serious case of PMS. After disengaging the fry pan from his skull, he shuffled off to work only to discover that the elves were on strike. So he decided to go check out the stables and found that, lo and behold, Rudolph’s nose had gone out!

“That’s it!” he said, “I am calling off Christmas right here and right now!” So he stomped back to the house, opened his favorite bottle of Scotch, sat down in his big arm chair next to the fireplace, put his feet up on the ottoman, and opened the newspaper to read the comics section. That is when there was a gentle knock at the front door. He knew better than to expect his wife to answer and hoped whoever it was would just go away. But they kept knocking and knocking. Finally he was fed up. He got up, threw the newspaper into the fireplace and watched it poof up in flames, and then stomped over to the door. Whipping open the door, he found a small angel holding a Christmas tree. In the most soft and melodious voice, she said, “Santa Clause, here is the Christmas tree you ordered. Where shall I put it?”

And to this day angels still sit atop Christmas trees!

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