Thursday, November 19, 2020

The Love Doctor

The Love Doctor Dear Love Doctor,

My boyfriend and I are about to leave on a much needed holiday to the sun. Last night he presented me with a gift that he said was perfect for our vacation. A little something for the beach he said.

Ordinarily I would be tickled pink. I love gifts. But, this one has resulted in a big fight.

What I got was a little something all right. It was a tiny silver bikini and I mean t_i_n_y!

Doc, it looks awful on me. I'm sure it would be hot on the right guy. But, I'm not built for a bikini. I'm skinny and this thing barely holds in my family jewels. You can see the whole outline even my veins, right through it.

He thinks it looks great. He says he likes it when people check me out. I think it makes me look like street trash.

Anyway, we had a big fight and he walked out. Today he won't even talk to me.

This bikini has become a sort of line in the sand. He told me that if I really loved him I would wear it for him.

What am I to do? I can't go out in public in that!


Shy Guy

Dear Shy,

My my, when will guys learn not to buy clothing for other people. A bikini is personal. And, unlike sexy underwear, everyone on the beach will see a bikini.

What I'm sensing here is something other than just a potential case of bad taste though. It sounds as though your boyfriend is getting his jollies at your expense. From what you say, he likes to put you on display, and exposing, as it were, your penis he gets a sense of power.

That is fine IF you are into slave/master roll playing. But, you are an unwilling playmate.

If you don't want to wear the bikini don't. It is as simple as that.

But you really have to ask yourself if you want to be tied up with a guy who treats you like a commodity to be shown off like a shirt with some designer logo. "Look guys I'm pretty important, I have a boyfriend with a big dick."

If all you are is a piece of meat it's time to find a new boyfriend.

The Love Doctor

--Send your questions about love to "The Love Doctor" directly from 'OZ' - The 'Other' Side of the Rainbow! I have added an email link that goes direct to The Love Doctor - this will enable quicker responses from him. You can do this by clicking on his picture in the sidebar and put your question in the email. This will ensure that The Love Doctor gets your question. The Love Doctor forwards his replies to me for posting consideration. Note: Due to the high volume of letters that The Love Doctor receives, not all letters will be posted on 'OZ' - but the Love Doctor will reply to every email. (so he says)

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