Saturday, September 07, 2019

10 snippy things (when you have had enough) to say to someone who always claims to be the victim

-You can stop playing the victim now, everyone bought it.

-You play the victim so well you should carry around your own body chalk.

-I think it is funny how you are still playing the victim and blaming others for things not going your way. When it’s your bad choices that got you where you are. Grow up!

-You can only play the victim card so many times before people figure out that you’re the problem.

-If everywhere you go there’s a problem, guess what?

-The victim costume doesn’t suit you at all. You should try the self-centred ass one again.

-Some people try to make other people feel responsible for the way they feel. The victim look isn’t pretty.

-No No, don’t stop. I love all of your stories of how you are always the victim and everyone else picks on you.

-Some people create their own storms and then get upset when it rains.

-Oh sorry, I didn’t realize that you’re the victim. I thought you were the one that started all of the drama. My mistake.

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