Monday, August 26, 2019

Wise Words

Be Wise

Be Wise!Don't Fail the Heart

The worst kind of heart failure is the failure of the heart to ever love.

Be Wise!
Dealing with Envy

Men never throw sticks at trees that do not have fruit on them

- Old Chinese Proverb -

Be Wise!Opportunity

The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity.

The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.

Be Wise!Wild Child

Have a 'problem child' at home and do not know what to do? Recent studies have shown that children, who take fish oil, plant extract and vitamin, improve there educational abilities. Fish oil and plant extracts have shown to improve the concentration level of the child.

Be Wise!The cause of loneliness...

People feel alone because they often build walls instead of bridges.

- Anonymous -


Debt is a form of slavery not prohibited by the Thirteenth Amendment; but it is a form of voluntary servitude that is still slavery of a different sort.

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