Tuesday, February 07, 2017

CROSSING - A Poem by Gail Fulkerson


by Gail Fulkerson

The bridge spanning the chasm lies just ahead,
Marking the end of the serpentine trail.
Mists roll up, blurring the bridge's outlines; the deafening sounds of a powerful water fall fill
your ears.
The trail behind you was erased while you were distracted.
Turning back is no longer an option.
Breath is gone, heart is still,
No more light behind your eyes,
Yet visions and memories still float silently before them, before disappearing like so much
You have arrived at the place of final crossing; taking your first tentative steps, feeling the
bridge solid beneath your feet.
Emboldened, you take another step, and another.
Sparks of light begin to flash; you look in all directions to find their source,
Only to discover the shimmering effervescence is radiating from you.
You can feel the sparks as they flash around you, faster and faster, reflecting the fullness of the
colour spectrum - and more.
This is your spirit disengaging from its corporeal confines.
Total disconnection is imminent.
A popping sound, then silence.
An exquisite floating sensation as your human form is discarded, revealing what you are:
Pure and powerful.
The bridge is behind you, no memory of having traversed it.
The mists swirl and the bridge is gone.
A sense of finality permeates the scene.
You cannot return and take up your life
Where it left off.
It is done, and
The bridge is no more.
Deep sighing, as though from a great distance reaches your ears;
The sounds of loved ones mourning their loss.
Up ahead, someone is calling you.
Moving in the direction of that voice you know,
There is a slight shift in the air at your back,
Perhaps an Angel's breath,
As the Veil closes gently behind you.
Your crossing is complete,
And new adventures await.

About the author:
Gail Fulkerson is retired from the federal public service, after a 27 year career with Corrections Canada as a clerk and a correctional officer, and the Canadian Armed Forces as a civilian. She is married and she has 3 grown children and 4 grandchildren in their blended family. She enjoys searching for Truth on the pathways created by shamans, wiccans, and witches. She likes to take photographs and post them on ViewBug and Flickr. She writes poetry and prose. Perhaps you’ve even read one of her pieces in FLIGHT: A Living, Breathing, Document of Consciousness. She has lived in Ontario, British Columbia, and currently resides in Dundurn, Saskatchewan.

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