Thursday, September 08, 2016

Phobias! A quiz you might be frightened of, if you have Testophobia!

What are you afraid of?

1. Stop, look and listen. Of what is agyrophobia a fear?

Crossing the street
Stinging insects
Sour tasting food

2. King Lear suffered from agateophobia to a degree. Can you name it?

Fear of diamonds
Fear of going insane
Fear of gates
Fear of crowns

3. This was once a very real concern of many young women. Of what is anuptaphobia a fear?

Having untidy hair
Unfashionable clothes
Remaining single

4. Some phobias are never ending it seems. What is apeirophobia?

Fear of noses
Fear of angels
Fear of infinity
Fear of pitchforks

5. You'll get a buzz out of this one. What is apiphobia?

Fear of butterflies
Fear of time flies
Fear of blowflies
Fear of bees

6. Oh go away you chaps, you know I suffer from arrhenphobia. Of what is this a phobia?

Fear of British accents
Fear of men
Fear of sneezing
Fear of London

7. Those of us with children are probably more inclined to this phobia than most. Of what is ataxophobia a fear?

Disorder and untidiness
The internal revenue department

8. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Which phobia comprises atychiphobia?

Fairy stories

9. Strike up the band, boys. Can you define aulophobia?

Fear of flutes
Television sets
Movie theatres

10. Finally, which of these would a sufferer of automatonophobia fear?

Ventriloquist dummies
James Tiberius Kirk

Fear of bare feet
Fear of bare feet


1. Stop, look and listen. Of what is agyrophobia a fear?

Crossing the street
Agyrophobia is the belief that crossing a street will harm you in some way. This crippling phobia can so disable an individual that they will avoid any public places so set out, will avoid going to work, shopping, or any place at all that entails having to cross a road or street.

2. King Lear suffered from agateophobia to a degree. Can you name it?

Fear of going insane
Also related to maniaphobia and dementophobia, agateophobia is the fear of going insane, or of being around people with that sorrowful condition. In Act one, scene five of Shakespeare's "King Lear", we have that old, worn out king who walks away from his duties as ruler, utter the heartbreaking lines:

"O, let me not be mad, not mad, sweet heaven
Keep me in temper: I would not be mad!"

3. This was once a very real concern of many young women. Of what is anuptaphobia a fear?

Remaining single
In times gone by, many women, denied the satisfaction of earning their own money, had no choice but to marry or starve. If the fear of remaining single grew too much to bear, it was known as anuptaphobia. Sometimes though the cure was worse than the disease. It could of course also effect males, but one imagines that would be rather rare. Anuptaphobia's opposite fear is gamophobia, which is the fear of marriage.

4. Some phobias are never ending it seems. What is apeirophobia?

Fear of infinity
Also connected negatively to thanatophobia (the fear of dying), apeirophobia is the fear of infinity or eternity, of just going on and on and on without end. Think though of the knowledge that could be amassed, the universes that could be explored, the joy of being alive for ever and ever - oh, sorry. Phobias are definitely no laughing matter.

5. You'll get a buzz out of this one. What is apiphobia?

Fear of bees
This is one phobia that could be fairly safe to guess the answer going by its prefix, as in apiary etc. The fear of bees, or at least of being stung by one, is a rather common-sense one to a degree, but for those who suffer from apiphobia - also known as melissaphobia - the sight of those beautiful little buzzing creatures going about their daily business of gathering nectar does nothing but fill them with terror.

6. Oh go away you chaps, you know I suffer from arrhenphobia. Of what is this a phobia?

Fear of men
Also known as androphobia, arrhenphobia is a very real fear of men, either generally or in particular. This phobia, like all phobias, can send its sufferers into massive panic attacks whenever near one of those creatures who make up fifty per cent of the world's population.

7. Those of us with children are probably more inclined to this phobia than most. Of what is ataxophobia a fear?

Disorder and untidiness
I think I suffer from this phobia. I first noticed its onset, doctor, when my children became teenagers and I needed a machete to get into their rooms. Like all phobias, however, this is no laughing matter and an untidy mess can cause great mental anguish for those who suffer from it. They simply cannot function properly when surrounded by a mess.

8. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Which phobia comprises atychiphobia?

This phobia must be a terrible one to have to endure in our world of ever increasing pressures to achieve success in any field. Like all phobias, its sufferers, with the aid of behaviour or cognitive therapy, can be taught, if not to overcome the disorder, than to keep it within manageable boundaries.

9. Strike up the band, boys. Can you define aulophobia?

Fear of flutes
This deep rooted fear of flutes can cause great mental distress in a surprising number of people. It's intriguing why flutes have been singled out in such a way, and not other musical instruments - although there's probably a phobia for each one of them as well. Psychologists say this phobia can be dealt with to a manageable degree in a quite reasonable amount of time.

10. Finally, which of these would a sufferer of automatonophobia fear?

Ventriloquist dummies
Not only do those with automatonophobia fear ventriloquist dummies, they can also suffer panic and anxiety attacks from statues or any other man made object that is meant to represent a thinking, feeling, speaking human or other being. They freak them out terribly. Really, when one considers it objectively, a ventriloquist dummy IS rather alarming. That mouth for a start - and those staring, staring eyes. Frightening!

How well did you do? Put your score in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. I scored seven, I think I really tried, I love phobia names, I'm currently reading about trypophobia , the fear of holes


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