Sunday, July 03, 2016

Ten miles to burn a Big Mac

Exercise drive ... McDonalds

FAST food fans must walk almost TEN miles to work off the calories in a Big Mac Meal. This was revealed yesterday as the hamburger giant launched its own EXERCISE drive.

It started selling £3.99 adult Happy Meals boxes — each containing a step-counter, salad, soft drink, and exercise leaflet — to encourage people to walk their food off.

But nutritionists calculated the Big Mac Meal, which includes fries and milkshake, packs 1,411 calories — requiring 9½ miles to burn.

Even a new 295cal Go Active salad requires a 2.5-mile walk. The average man needs 2,500 calories a day. Women need 2,000.

McDonald’s bosses — stung by criticism they were fuelling Britain’s fat epidemic in their restaurants — trumpeted the launch of the salad range last March.

Last night Sun health expert Nicki Waterman said: “It’s good to see McDonald’s trying to get the nation fitter but their food has too many calories. It’s OK saying replace fries with salad but their dressings have more calories than the burgers.”

A McDonald’s spokesman countered: “There’s plenty of choice and variety to meet the requirements of a balanced diet. If you want to be selective, you can pick out just the high-calorie meals.”

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