Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Fantastic Old Cars and Steam Loco's

These photos were not taken in Canada, but will bring back fond memories, They were sent to me by a friend, Vinn Terrill, former Chief Engineer of the old Boston and Maine Railway , and afterwords Vice President of Sales for Speno North America. We worked together for the Amercan Railway Engineering Association... Click on the pictures to see a higher resolution and read the captions - Use your 'BACK' button to return to 'OZ'

Fantastic Old Cars and Steam Loco's
Fantastic Old Cars and Steam Loco's
Fantastic Old Cars and Steam Loco's
Fantastic Old Cars and Steam Loco's
Fantastic Old Cars and Steam Loco's
Fantastic Old Cars and Steam Loco's
Fantastic Old Cars and Steam Loco's
Fantastic Old Cars and Steam Loco's
Fantastic Old Cars and Steam Loco's

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