Sunday, July 31, 2016

16 Amazing Kids Who Will Instantly Restore Your Faith In Humanity


Read the news and there seems to be so much wrong with the world today, that I often wonder if giving up reading it would make me a happier person. But while the headlines are dominated by our weekly mass shooting, Syria and Donald Trump, the reality is that every day us common folk make little sacrifices for each other, let insults slide and feel terrible when we act like a douchenugget.

Since our children are the future, and to show that there is still plenty of kindness in the world, we compiled this list of 16 amazing and inspirational kids, who are all changing the world in their own unique way. Kids like:

#1. This 7-Year-Old Who Makes Safety Glow Buttons To Keep Pokemon Go Players Safe

This 7-Year-Old Who Makes Safety Glow Buttons To Keep Pokemon Go Players Safe

#2. This Young Portugal Supporter Comforting a Teary-eyed French Fan After the Euro 2016 Finale

#3. 9-Year-Old Josef Miles Filled His Mom With Pride When He Made An Impromptu Protest Of Westboro Baptist Church, Kansas
9-Year-Old Josef Miles Filled His Mom With Pride When He Made An Impromptu Protest Of Westboro Baptist Church, Kansas

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