Tuesday, December 02, 2014

PRESENCE By Tayha Hanson

Tayha Hanson
Soul Voice® Practitioner
Website: www.soulsoundpyramid.com
Blog: www.soulsoundpyramid.blogspot.ca

I hosted a weekly sound bath event one Sunday evening. Nobody showed up. I sat in solitude in my sacred space with soft crystal light, a glowing candle and the scent of frankincense burning, and sounded. Connecting to the subtle frequencies in the heartmosphere, I used my voice and focused intention to create a container for humanity to open to love, compassion, and a deeper connection to themselves and each other. Diving deep into an ocean of breath, I filled my reserve and then poured sound frequencies out into the room. Suddenly, I was no longer alone but accompanied by the presence of my soul tribe, my guides, and the Earth herself.

There is something moving in the undercurrent: in the spaces between people and the breath between words; across great distances on Earth and in the cosmos; in a single heartbeat; a cry; a whisper; in silence. As human-doings in a three dimensional, materialistic and dualistic world, being and presence provide an invisible dimension, rich and ripe. Humans only use a portion of our brains and with that a mere sliver of our potential in body, sense, and imagination. As such, what is ‘the real world’ we inhabit? Perhaps we are aware of only the abridged version of our story.

What is occurring unseen in the everyday experience of ‘walkin’around folks’ is the simultaneous and eternal expansion of reality beyond time, space, and materiality. It is a symphonic masterpiece of multifaceted, overlapping elaborate and subtle frequencies all happening at once, changing and shifting, rolling and churning like waves in a Great Ocean of Existence.

Take a moment to consider every action, reaction, and stillness that occurred in your day today. Whether sleeping, showering, drinking your morning coffee, walking your dog, sending an email, sitting in traffic, screaming at a neighbor; those are just small brush strokes in the overall picture. For instance, microcosmically in the universe that is your body, your cells are always in action and transformation; your coffee is creating chemical reactions in your bodily systems. Macrocosmically, while you interact with your dog, your computer or neighbor, you are simultaneously interconnecting with technology, symbols, social and cultural norms and expected behaviors, the spinning of the planet on its axis, and the pull of the moon. We are part of an endless web ofconnectivity within and beyond our own bodies and tangible experiences, regardless of awareness; and our awareness colors our experience.

Have you experienced a 3D optical illusion that when you stare at it long enough it reveals a hidden image? The image is always there but you have to stop looking for it in order to see it. It’s never apparent at first glance but if you have experienced it once you will know it’s there even when you cannot see it. To reconnect requires focussed attention and presence.

Photo: http://bonnelljvdamales.blogspot.ca/2010/06/3d-optical-illusions_27.html

Imagine now, if you can, an illusion that involves not just optics but every human sense. Add all of the connections you make throughout the day in the physical world including all thoughts, ideas, and emotions around your physical experience and relationships. Imagine that this whole spectrum of human experience can be represented by a single musical note or frequency. Now hold that note.

On a deeper level still, ponder your DNA, your genetic blueprint – the atomic expression of your tangible youness encoded in a unique way in this universe – as its own rare frequency. The essence of you resonates in its own special way, mingling its frequencies with others - deep and low, soft and sweet and all layers of light and magic in between.

These frequencies may not be audible to the human ear but they are definitely heard, felt, and processed by the heart. In our everyday interactions, we match, mimic, complement, and counter each other’s DNA frequencies in a great cosmic composition. The planet herself is a song with a permeating rhythm; there is a song of each species, each continent, and element of Earth playing all at once. Each individual grain of sand, blade of grass; every kitten's whisker, every moving cloud has its own frequency too. As life animated, we are dancing in a great stream of frequency that we are both in and of, wholly unified.

Now recall that single note encapsulating all of physical Earth and human experience, both tangible and intangible? Imagine this as one note in a universal, cosmic, inter-dimensional symphony, streaming in an iridescent song line past-present-future. Like looking through a kaleidoscope and turning it a quarter turn to the left, allow your whole view to shift as new light, colors, shapes, boundaries and openings enter your perception. Here an awareness of an inherently wider reality emerges. But then what do we do with this awareness? There is nothing to do; in fact, it has nothing to do with doing at all. It is simply being; presence; essence; embodiment.

So what does it mean? It means that by your very existence, you are contributing your unique rhythm and frequency to the planet and the song of Gaia – not only in this present moment but also in other times and dimensions - the past, the future, and simultaneous other-worlds, planets and galaxies. It is alive and real – more so than the incomplete human story we act in (incomplete because though we perceive it to be the ‘real deal’ - tangible, measurable, and true - we only use tiny bits of our brains and portions of our DNA). That which seems to have no purpose is not mere junk only because it does not fit in our childlike puzzle; it most definitely has a purpose. The purpose threads through the poetry of all life on Earth, holding it together like cosmic glue, giving wordless response to the question, “Why?”

For you who are holding a space - propping the door open to alternative ways of thinking, being, and experiencing life on the planet; offering an essence or a spirit to places and spaces where gateways have been closed before; embodying a frequency of love and compassion and presence and passion for all that you are; waiting for the community and the world to wake up – your presence alone is enough.

With your being, in full expression of your unique essence, you are contributing much more than can be seen, heard, tasted, smelled, and touched. You are having a powerful effect on humanity’s vibration. The impact of such presence cannot be measured by any man-made device, dollar amount, or public recognition. It is honorable, admirable and respectable work you do, simply by being aware, being present, and being a living expression of All That You Are.

Originally published in Flight: A Living, Breathing Document of Consciousness, Volume 3 Issue 34 December, 2014

You can read all the issues at Deerhorn Shamanic Services, or subscribe to Flight for free by emailing deerhorn007@gmail.com

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