Monday, November 24, 2014

Let me Google that for you.

1. There may be 39 signatures on the U.S. Constitution, but there were only 38 signers. The absent delegate of which state had his name signed by a colleague?

I don't know. Google it.

One way to find the answer:

Go to Google and search [Constitution signer not present] to find John Dickinson among the delegates who did not sign the Constitution. Searching for [Constitution signed by proxy] shows that he gave George Read permission to sign for him. Search [John Dickinson delegate] to learn that he represented ________.

2. The radioactive element named after a U.S. state is one of the most expensive substances in the world. How much does it cost per gram?

I don't know. Google it.

One way to find the answer:

Go to Google and search [element named after state] to find californium. Search [californium cost per gram] to learn the answer is ___ ____________.

3. You’re standing atop the highest peak in the highlands known as the Roof of Africa. How many more feet would you have to climb to ascend the highest peak in Africa?

I don't know. Google it.

Go to Google and search [Roof of Africa highlands] and find this refers to the Ethiopian Highlands, whose highest peak is Ras Dashen, at 14,928 feet. Then search [highest peak in Africa] to find Mount Kilimanjaro at 19,340 feet. Use Google Calculator to subtract [19,340 - 14,928] and find that you’d need to climb another _________ _______.

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