Monday, June 23, 2014

Wise Words

Be Wise
Be Wise!Sharing Love

You have to love yourself before you can love another.

Be Wise!Pulled Over By The Police?

"Being pulled over by a police officer can be as stressful for the officer as it is for the motorist. Although the majority of people are law-abiding citizens, a police officer must still be overly cautious during all traffic stops. Here are a few tips to follow when being stopped by the police.

1. Pull off of the road as far to the right as safely possible.

2. Stay in your vehicle unless asked to get out.

3. Turn on the interior light if the stop occurs at night.

4. Keep both hands on the steering wheel and do not make sudden movements.

5. If you are carrying a firearm, advise the officer of the weapon and its location.

6. Advise the officer if you need to reach for your license or registration.

7. If you are being stopped at night and you are driving alone, simply acknowledge the officer by turning on your flashers and driving at a reduced rate of speed to the nearest well lit area.

Following these simple tips will make traffic stop less stressful for everyone involved.

Be Wise!Living Happily

A perfect marriage isn’t one that’s problem-free, it’s one that manages and solves problems wisely.

Be Wise!Create Electricity

When talking to others, lean forward to show the other person that you are interested in what they have to say. Sitting up or with a straight back gives off the impression that you are not interested in what they are saying. Next time try leaning forward and you will be amazed at the electricity it will create.

Be Wise!Birds and stones

Be careful when trying to kill two birds with one stone. You might miss both birds.

Be Wise!Enjoy Life

"Enjoy life. There's plenty of time to be dead."


Be Wise!The meaning of life

Life is either a bad accident or an experiment to keep God busy.

Be Wise!Anybody out there?

It’s easy to get lost in your job especially in a fast paced technical workplace. Many people work in isolation. They encounter real problems that someone else may have solved already. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Don’t work in a vacuum. Get together formally in groups or informally with co-workers and colleagues. You can identify problems and exchange solutions and strategies. Share the load, and you’ll find you lighten the burden.

Be Wise!You Can Solve that Problem!!

The man who wanted to move the mountain began with the small stones.

Chinese Proverb


Drinking a glass or two of wine everyday is actually good for you. A recent study says that people who regularly drink a glass of wine get fewer colds than the average person. Just don't go overboard, too much of anything is never a good thing. Apparently, it's the flavonoids on grape skin that do the trick, which means you could just eat some grapes everyday, too.

Be Wise!Coping with stress

Many of the stressful situations we come across in your daily lives cannot be avoided or changed, but we can change how we respond to the stress. Try improving your way of dealing with stress or a stressful situation. Take a deep breath.

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