Saturday, February 01, 2014

An ode to a hero

Weston Dressler

Tie up those cleats,

Pull on those gloves,
Strap up your helmet,
And play the game for love.

Feel the rush,

Hear the crowd,
Chant your name,
Stand up,
Be proud.

Make the catch,

The great receiver,
Put some fear,
In the linebackers.

You did your job,

Did what you do,
And never forget,
The 13th man is behind you.

Wins with class,

Lose with more,
You busted your ass,
Forget the score.

Let a tear roll down,

A chest held out,
You don't have to worry,
You can always come back.

Play them hard,

Play them fast,
When in the NFL,
Rider Nation will miss you.

Fight them hard,

Tooth and nail,
Be the star,
Refuse to fail.

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