Sunday, January 12, 2014

Wise Words

Be Wise


Success is having the courage to meet failure without being defeated.

Be Wise!Eat more to weigh less

If you want to lose weight permanently, eating several small meals throughout the day to help you with this. Try to eat a small meal consisting of protein, fat, and complex carbohydrate. An example would be; for breakfast 1 hard boiled egg, and an orange, at 10am have a can of tuna on toast, for lunch a Chicken breast and any vegetable, at 2pm have a protein shake, for dinner a chicken breast and vegetable, in the evening have some celery and peanut butter. You get the idea. Avoid sugar, bread, pasta, salt, but not fat.

Be Wise!Love and Forgiveness

When you learn to forgive someone who has really hurt you and forget the wound that they have caused, then you truly love that person.

Be Wise!Betrayal

If someone betrays you once, it is his fault.

If he betrays you twice, it is your fault.

Be Wise!Don't worry

If you worry about winning you won't, if you focus on doing your very best you will.

Be Wise!Three Enemies

There are three enemies of personal peace regret over yesterday's mistakes, anxiety over tomorrow’s problems and ingratitude for today's blessing.

Be Wise!Best time to execise?

The Long Island Jewish Medical Center experts say that the ideal time to exercise is late afternoon. Your natural body rhythms cause your lungs to work 20% more efficiently between 4:00p.m. and 5:00 p.m.

Be Wise!Benefits of the Sweet Potato

They contain high levels of vitamin B6 and Potassium which are good for your heart

They contain iron, magnesium and vitamin D.

Good source of manganese to stabalize blood glucose levels and your appetite

Contains twice the fiber of regular potatoes

Contain huge amounts of Beta-carotene, vitamin C and E which act as antioxidants and improve your immune health.

Be Wise!Swimmers Ear, Home Remedy

To prevent swimmers ear,Place equal (50/50%) mixtures of plain rubbing alcohol and white distilled viniger in a dropper bottle. Place a few drops in each ear BEFORE and AFTER swimming. The alcohol dries the ear while the viniger prevents bacterial growth.This is preferred over ear plugs so you can hear while swimming if any emergencies are called.

Be Wise!Iceing: Effectively & economically at home

To reduce the inflammation and swelling of a body part, the application of ICE is usually recommended in the first 72 hours. Take a big bag of frozen pease out of the freezer. So, as not to burn the skin, place a damp paper towel over the region of the pease application area. Then apply and CONFORM the pease to the body part with a LITTLE preasure, like wrapping in on to conform with an ace bandage. NEVER apply ice greater than 20 minutes at a time. Ice has the effect of heat after 20 minutes and will cause greater inflammation (The Hunting reflex).

Be Wise!Adventurous eaters sleep longer

DFolks who vary their menus clock more hours of sleep than less adventurous eater. A wide ranging diet helps ensure you get a variety of nutrients linked to longer sleep!

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