Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Homosexuality Facts

Rainbow Flag
The Rainbow Flag

I have added this page on homosexuality facts, because, when learning of your child or loved one's sexuality difference, there are a lot of concerns you need clarified.
This is a normal procedure that we as parents need to go through.

This page about homosexuality facts will hopefully clear up some of the queries you may have and help educate you also.

I have already listed a page of FAQ's and now I will clear up some of the myths with some facts.


* Most Lesbians Or Gays Regard Themselves As Members Of The Opposite Sex.


The majority, if not all gays and lesbians are very happy with their gender. In many ways, their sexual identity is seen as a celebration and an affirmation of their gender, not rejection of it.
People often confuse homosexuality with transsexuality and or transvestism. Transsexual people feel as if they were born into the wrong body and should be the opposite gender. Transvestites are people who often dress in the clothing of the opposite sex.
Most transvestites are heterosexual.


* Homosexuality Is A Form Of Mental Illness And Can Be Cured.


The American Pshychiatric Association removed homosexuality from its list of official mental illnesses in 1973. The American Psychological Association followed suit in 1974. And so have most Psychiatric and psychological associations around the world.


* All Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual And Transgender People Can Be Identified By Certain Mannerisms Or Physical Characteristics.


Only a very small percentage of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people have stereotypic mannerisms and characteristics.
As with heterosexuals, homosexuals and transgender people come in many shapes, sizes and different colors. It is fair to say that some heterosexuals portray a variety of the so-called gay stereo typical characteristics.


* Lesbians And Gays Could Be Cured By Having "Good Sex" With A Member Of The Opposite Gender.


Remember, you cannot cure homosexuality. Many gays and lesbians have had satisfying heterosexual sex in their life time, but most gays and lesbians would never choose to be sexually active with members of the opposite sex and would resent and challenge the idea that heterosexuals have a corner on the market of "good sex".


* You Are Either Heterosexual Or Homosexual. Very Few Are Bisexual.


The studies of Dr Alfred Kinsey and his associates are most frequently cited on this question.
Their data suggests that, in fact, few people are predominately heterosexual or homosexual. Most people fall somewhere along the continium between these two ends of the scale, and therefore have the capacity to experience both affection and sexual feelings for members of both sexes.


* Gay, Lesbian And Bisexual People Should Not Be Teachers Because They Will Try To Convert Their Students To Their Life Style.


It is impossible to convert heterosexuals to become homosexuals as it is just as impossible the other way around.
Based on what is known about sexual attraction, this is simply not possible.


* The Majority Of Child Molesters Are Gay Men And Women.


Statistics have shown that paedophelia or child molestsation is perpetrated by mainly heterosexuals.
In fact, over 90% of all reported molestations are carried out by heterosexual males.


* No One Knows What Causes Homosexuality.


This is a complicated and controversial issue.
To date there has been no real conclusive research that shows the causes of either homosexuality, bisexuality or for that matter, heterosexuality. Some believe it is predetermined genetically or hormonally. Others believe that we are all predisposed to all variations of sexual and affectionate behaviour and learn our sexual orientation.


* In A Homosexual Relationship, One Partner Usually Plays The Role Of The Husband And The Other Plays The Role Of The Wife.


This is not neccessarily so. Most gay and lesbian couples work to develop relationships based on principles of equality and mutuality where they are loved for who they are and not for the roles they play.
This comes back to sterotypical role play. They are ususally just two men sharing roles and two women sharing roles.


* One Homosexual Experience As An Adolescent Will Play A Large Part In Determining Whether A Person Will Be Homosexually Orientated As An Adult.


Many gay and lesbian people have had early heterosexual experiences but identify as gay or lesbian. This can be said the same for many heterosexual people who have had sexual experiences with a person of the same sex but continue to define themselves as heterosexual.
Sexual orientation for most people goes well beyond just sexual acts.


* Homosexuality Does Not Exist In Nature, Therefore It Is Not Natural.


Historians tell us that homosexuality has existed since the earliest of human societies. Anthropologists report that homosexuals have been a part of every culture.
One study of non-western cultures, reported that 64% of the respondants considered homosexuality as "normal and socially exceptable".

It is also a well known fact that same sex behaviour is "natural" between animals.


* All Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual And Transgender People Choose To Be That Way.


The only place where choice seems to come into play is when they decide how they will acknowledge their identity. Choosing if and how to 'come out' and choosing who to tell.

I hope these facts have been helpful.
*Originally published by Debbie on

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