Monday, March 26, 2012

Wise Words

Be Wise

Be Wise!Inferiority

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."

- Eleanor Roosevelt -

Be Wise!Stay safe in a thunderstorm

1. Be aware that lightning can follow electrical wires and phone lines.

2. If you can hear thunder, you are within striking distance.

3. If you are driving during a thunderstorm, you should stay in your car with the windows closed

4. You shouldn’t take a shower, wash dishes or do laundry.

5. If you are swimming or boating when a storm starts, head for shore immediately.

Be Wise!Cranking Down the Volume

Playing your tunes more softly during rush hour traffic might decrease your tension in the car. Cranking up the volume of your music may increase your tension while driving. A recent study showed that college students listening to three different amplitudes of music were more likely to have higher heart rates the higher the volume went and vice versa for lowering the volume. Hence, softly played music may sooth the savage beast during rush hour madness.


Paper money, like virtue, has value only so long as people believe that it does.

Be Wise!Down And Up...Up And Down...

If you try to look down at people from up where you are.

They will look up at you and see nothing but someone going down!

- Julie Sullivan -

Be Wise!Nothing Is Everything

The fact that money isn’t everything is irrelevant, because nothing else is everything either, but money isn’t really a bad first step on the way towards everything.

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