Thursday, March 22, 2012

Boy Scouts upholding ban on open or avowed homosexuals

Human Rights Campaign

original text comes from an email
I recieved from The Human Rights Campaign

Last month, the Boy Scouts of America sent a message by announcing that they would uphold their ban on "open or avowed homosexuals."

You are less deserving. You are second class.

It's the same message right-wing groups are trying to send in their coordinated anti-marriage equality efforts in states like Maryland and Washington, and it's the same message we hear from one side of the presidential campaign trail.

I made the Human Rights Campaign a part of my life to spread hope and to shut down discrimination. Our logo itself is a symbol of the better world we strive to create through pro-equality work in schools, companies, hospitals, Congress, and even out on the campaign trail.

And now, I'm asking you – gay or straight – to make HRC a part of your life, too. Help grow this movement's reach by becoming one of 2,000 new members in the next seven days.

This movement's strength depends on you. Become a part of our fight right now, and as a token of our appreciation we'll send an HRC magnet for you to proudly display.

How do we send a signal that the time for discrimination is long over – that the days of second class citizenship have come to an end?

We do it by spreading symbols of equality around the country – and not just HRC's equality logo.

We shine a media light on hate-filled behavior, like Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy's contributions to extremist anti-LGBT groups. We rally with LGBT and straight supporters alike to send a message that every voice matters in this movement. And we go into schools to collaborate with educators on curriculums that make classrooms the safe spaces they're meant to be.

This fall, we're facing more threats at once than we have since 2004. We're prepared to do everything in our power to win historic marriage battles in states across the country and elect pro-equality candidates. But right-wing extremists are putting millions into campaigns to undo decades of work around marriage equality. Our ability to organize, connect with voters, and keep equality in the headlines depends on you.

I chose to be a part of this organization, and I want you to be a part of it, too.

*** Not sure how long this offer goes for... We have just seven days to find 2,000 people who'll join HRC with an urgent gift, and I want you to be one of them. There's an HRC logo magnet waiting as a token of our appreciation.

For so many people, this fight is a matter of being able to live life supported and respected. We have no choice but to push now more than ever – there are so many people depending on us.

With deep gratitude,

Chad Griffin

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