Friday, February 24, 2012

He's definitely got his figure back: World's first pregnant man unveils muscular physique after three babies in three years

by Fiona Roberts

pregnant man
Like any new mother, he was keen to lose the babyweight - but few would be quite so worried about getting a six-pack.

Thomas Beatie, the world's first pregnant man - or male mother - has unveiled his new toned figure, just 12 months after giving birth to his third child in three years.

Mr Beatie, who now lives in Arizona with his wife Nancy and their three children, garnered international attention around the world when he became the first legally transgender man to become pregnant.
Now he and his wife have completed the family they always dreamed of, and the 37-year-old appears to have started taking testosterone again, helping him develop his muscular physique.

Read more at Daily Mail

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Beatie on your beautiful, happy family and on your bravery in ignoring taboos and prejudice to reach your dreams thanks to science. There are no rules as to whether one should be a man or a woman, all combinations are wonderful if they bring balance and happiness to the person selecting them. There is a French saying that goes "the dogs may bark but the car will pass by nevertheless".


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