Saturday, August 06, 2011


For those of you who are not "fortunate" enough to live in Yorkton, here is a copy of the Yorkton Driver's Exam, and for those of you who do, study real hard. This is a new exam. Since driving conditions (and culture) are unique in Yorkton, you may not have realized that the Saskatchewan Government has now issued a special application and driver's test solely for the Yorkton Area.


Name, as listed on your birth certificate:___________________ Nickname, as everyone in the neighborhood calls you:________________

No Fault or Tort:___________________

DWI counsellor's name:_________________

Sex: ___male ___female ___formerly male ___unsure____neither

*If Ukraininan, indicate hat size: _______

Will the size of your hat hinder your ability to safely operate a
motor vehicle in any way? Yes___ No ___

Please list brand of cell phone:________________
*If you don't own a cell phone, please explain:____________________

Please check hair color:

Females: [ ] Blonde [ ] Chokecherry Blonde
Males: [ ] Blonde [ ] Bald
Teenagers: [ ] Red [ ] Orange [ ] Green [ ] Purple [ ] Blue [ ] all

Please check activities you perform while driving: (Check all that apply)

[ ] Eating
[ ] Drinking Tim Hortons coffee
[ ] Applying make-up (male or female)
[ ] Shaving (male or female)
[ ] Talking on the phone
[ ] Slapping kids in the back-seat
[ ] Tanning
[X] Looking for MacLeod's(already checked for your convenience)
[ ] Watching TV
[ ] Reading "Prevention" magazine [ ] Surfing the net via laptop
[ ] Discharging firearms / Reloading

Please indicate how many times:

a) you expect to shoot at other drivers _____
b) how many times you have been convicted of driving over.08/refusing to blow/driving while disqualified __/__/__

If you are the victim of a cartheft, you should immediately:

a) Call the police to report the crime.

b) Call The Fox to report the crime, then hear Alex and Mikey make fun of your car.

c) Use command start remote in case you just forgot where you parked

d) Call your DWI counsellor for a ride home (again).

In the event of an hail, you should:

a) stop your car.
b) keep driving and hope for the best.
c) immediately use your cell phone to call all loved ones.
d) flip to GX to hear the wheat futures go down.If a traffic light turns yellow, you should:

a) never drive over 5 MPH.
b) drive twice as fast as usual.
c) you're not sure what "traffic light" is.

Please indicate number of therapy sessions per week: ______.

Are you presently taking any of the following medications?

a) Prozac
b) Zovirax
c) Lithium
d) Estrogen
e) Valium
f) Zoloft
g) Aricept
h)All of the above
i) None of the above
*If none, please explain: __________________.

Length of daily commute:

a) Less than 5 min

b) 5 min

c) 6 min

d) 7 min

e) none

*If more than 7 min, please explain:____________________.

When stopped by police, you should:

a) pull over and have your driver's license and insurance form
b) try to outrun them by driving the wrong way on the Smith Street.
c) distract them by pulling into the Tim Horton drive thru.

When turning, you should always signal your intentions by:

a) using your directional signals.
b) what is a "directional signal"?

Which part of your car will wear out most often?

a) the wiper blades.
b) the belts.
c) the horn.
d) (Shocks) supension.

The "bright" setting on your headlights is for:

a) dark, poorly lit roads.
b) flashing to get the car ahead to move out of the way.
c) headlights?

Your rear view mirror is for:

a) watching for approaching cars.
b) watching for approaching police cars.
c) checking your hair.
d) fixing your make-up.

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