Thursday, July 21, 2011

Obama backs repeal of DOMA

Obama and DOMA

By Blair Mishleau,

President Barack Obama’s support for the Respect for Marriage Act was announced by Press Secretary Jay Carney July 19, showing Obama’s support for the federal recognition of gay marriage.

The bill would repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which currently bans any federal recognition of gay marriages that are performed by the states. This prevents, for example, gay spouses of those in the military from receiving benefits, and gay couples from claiming each other’s Social Security benefits, among other harms.

DOMA is being discussed at a historic meeting with the Senate Judiciary Committee July 20.

Obama won the 2008 election with an official stance against gay marriage, saying he supported civil unions. In past months he has said his idea on marriage equality was “evolving.”

Editor’s note: Hi readers – I’m really sorry about the misleading headline yesterday. I was out of the office at a workshop all afternoon. I’ve re-worked to make it more clear – and added the fuller AP story. Don’t be too hard on Blair, though – he’s an intern and just learning! –JV

*image from The Bennington Vale Evening Transcript

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