Thursday, May 05, 2011

Human Rights Campaign ad for marriage equality in New York

This is big. The New York state legislature is likely to consider a landmark bill that would at last allow committed, loving gay and lesbian couples to marry – and a vote could come in a matter of weeks.

Now, with everything on the line, HRC and several LGBT organizations have launched a major campaign to win marriage equality in the Empire State. But it'll take major resources to convince the legislature to act. Television advertising in New York is expensive and we need your help right away to make it happen.

Will you watch our new television ad, "Vows," then make a contribution to help us run it on television stations across the state?

We've been this close before – just a year and a half ago – when the New York State Senate failed to pass marriage equality. But public opinion has shifted in our favor with 58 percent of New Yorkers supporting marriage equality – support that comes from all over the state, from people young and old, and of all political parties. We're also fortunate to have the unwavering support of Governor Andrew Cuomo.

Still, we are taking nothing for granted. Our opponents, including the National Organization for Marriage, aren't holding anything back to defend outdated, anti-LGBT policies in New York and elsewhere around the nation. So, we're pulling out all the stops to help Mary Joe Kennedy and Jo-Ann Shain, and thousands of other loving couples like them, get married this year.

Help us keep Mary Joe and Jo-Ann on the air so that every New Yorker knows who they are. The more legislators that hear their story, the harder it will be for them to say "no" to equality.

Thank you for your support in this and in every battle we fight together.

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