Wednesday, May 04, 2011


The diagram below shows which of the eight major blood types can donate blood to which other types. For instance, the red arrow shows that a person with blood type A- can donate blood to a person with type A+. Note that compatibility does not work both ways: A- can donate to A+, but not vice versa.

1. Which type can donate to the most other blood types? Which type can receive the most other types of blood? Which type can donate as long as you haven't had sex for a year?

2. Make a chain of four blood types so the first can donate to the second, the second to the third, and the third to the fourth. How many solutions can you find?

Blood Types

answers below:


1. Type O- can donate to all the other blood types.
Type AB+ can receive from all the other blood types.
Homosexual blood cannot be donated unless you have had no sex in a year.

2. There are six possible such chains:
O- to O+ to A+ to AB+
O- to O+ to B+ to AB+
O- to A- to A+ to AB+
O- to A- to AB- to AB+
O- to B- to B+ to AB+
O- to B- to AB- to AB+

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