Sunday, January 02, 2011

The Love Doctor

The Love Doctor Dear Love Doctor,

I caught my husband masturbating today and he said that all men masturbate all the time. I think that he's just trying to make excuses cause I caught him in the act. I think he's a sex-aholic. What do you think?


Caught him in the act

Dear Caught,

I assure you he's completely normal. I found this article on the net to explain. For the entire article, follow the link at the end.

Though there are numerous taboos and misgivings against masturbation, it has always been looked upon as a normal male activity. Since boyhood, most of the males have indulged in this activity, and it is indeed an essential part of growing up and of discovering the body. It is one activity that provides men with relief from their sexual frustration and gives them pleasure when they have no way of finding a suitable partner. At the same time, it also keeps men free from sexually transmitted diseases which they would have attracted had they visited prostitutes to seek their satisfaction.

But, the question to be asked is, how much masturbation is advisable for an average man per week? What should be its frequency? Since it is an activity that almost every male performs, it is foolish to advocate abandoning it completely. Men who have decided to stop it have been known to undergo a reaction similar to the one experienced during cold turkey from a narcotic de-addiction. For that reason, it is of no use to advocate total abstinence from masturbation. But keeping the problems in mind, there should be some control exercised.

Speaking in a broad sense, there is no fixed limit for it. Just as there is no limit for the number of sexual encounters one can have in a week, there is also no limit for masturbation. Some experts say that men should masturbate no more than two to three times a week, if that masturbation session culminates into an ejaculation. Each ejaculate takes away some of the bio-energy from within the body, which can bring on several health problems after a prolonged period of time. Hence, it is not good to go over the prescribed its frequency per week. >> *More

Hope this helps,

The Love Doctor

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