Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Love Doctor

The Love Doctor Dear Love Doctor,

I need your help right away. This is an emergency. I've got myself in an awful jam.

Last night the company I work for had its annual Christmas Party. I got a little drunk, and at some point in the evening I found myself in the washroom with my boss.

This guy is really nice. He's also very handsome, but very married. At any rate, I said some things I shouldn't have and then kissed him. On the lips. And, he kissed me back.

As far as I know he's straight and the whole thing shocked into sobering up.

What do I do now?

I'm afraid he's going to freak out on me. Should I say anything, like apologize?

After I kissed him I quickly left the bathroom, and left the party.


Messy Drunk

Dear Messy,

Christmas Parties are supposed to be fun times, but invariably they are the scenes for some sort of major problem. Either someone gets liquored up and tells off the boss, or someone else gets caught in the coatroom with someone other than their spouse.

I don't know what your working relationship is with your boss, but, one thing is certain it will never be quite the same.

That he kissed you back doesn't really help either. If he was drunk, he may not have meant it. Then again, he may be a closet case. Either way he may be as embarrassed as you are.

For the next few weeks you should just try to lie low and stay out of his way.

If he is interested in you for more than an employee he'll find a way to let you know. If he isn't let's hope the whole thing blows over. But, do not say or do anything to make him feel that you are treating him any differently. If he feels threatened you could be history.

Your situation is a good warning to all of us, and brings to mind an old adage: 'You don't crap where you eat.'

The Love Doctor

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