Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I am in LOVE - I'll admit it, for you alone

by eveutopie, wattpad

I'll admit it, for you alone

I ate the last piece of Kelly's cake

I am truly sorry

I know you "j'adore" the stuff


Wait, no

That's not what I was planning on saying

I meant to say


One second


Kelly called

She said she's making another cake

Just for you


You really do have girls falling all over you

I wish that was my case, too


No, that's a lie

I don't want heels and perfume

I want bark-colored, wavy hair

I want burnt-coffee eyes

I want cologne that smells of mint

Because they all remind me of you


I want you


I love you


I wanted to tell you that


But you're not my mirror

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