Monday, October 25, 2010

The Boy Scouts kicks out gay father

Sterling WongBy Sterling Wong,
The Boy Scouts of America ejected the father of a 9-year-old Cub Scout from a leadership position in the organization because of his sexual orientation.

Openly gay Jon Langbert of Dallas, Texas, had been a volunteer in the Pack 70 Scout popcorn fundraiser team for two years until last week, when someone complained about his homosexuality at a Scout meeting. Langbert was then asked to stop wearing his Scout uniform and give up his leadership position.

“What message does that send to my son? It says I’m a second-class citizen,” Langbert said to The Dallas Morning News.

The organization has a strict policy of not allowing gays and atheists to become members. Pat Currie, an official with the Scout Circle Ten Council, which overseas Pack 70, said, “We respect people who have a different opinion from us. We just hope those same people will respect our right to have a different opinion.”

Langbert will be able to continue participating in his son’s troop activities as a parent, and he has agreed to continue to help with the popcorn fundraiser till its conclusion in November.

However, he will fight the organization’s decision and has sought legal counsel. “My tax dollars are paying for their discrimination. And the next gay dad who wants to come along can’t. I’m not going to let them,” Langbert said.

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