Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Really Harper, Canada has no history of colonialism?

by By Harsha Walia, The Vancouver Sun

"We also have no history of colonialism..." – Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

On the heels of a massive exercise of U.S. police repression against G20 protestors, including use of a wartime sonic acoustic weapon also being utilized in Iraq, Stephen Harper made the above declaration during a press conference in Pittsburgh where it was announced that Canada would be hosting the next G20 meeting in 2010.

Perhaps Harper and I are not on the same page – is colonialism not defined as the practice and processes of domination, control, and forced subjugation of one people to another? As most bluntly stated by Duncan Campbell Scott, Head of the Department of Indian Affairs in the 1920’s: “Our objective is to continue until there is not a single Indian in Canada that has not been absorbed into the body politic and there is no Indian question.”

I expect Harper has read the federal government’s own report on the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, which explicitly lays out Canada’s imposition of a colonial relationship (indeed, that is the heading of one of the chapters) on Indigenous people. Measures employed include the Indian Act, residential schools, forcible relocation including to reservations, the imposed Band Council system, institution of a pass system (which was subsequently borrowed by apartheid South Africa), germ warfare, outlawing of ceremonies such as the potlatch and traditional activities such as fishing, failed treaty processes, and other forced assimilation polices including the Act for the Gradual Assimilation of Indian Peoples.

Considering that his government has so ardently voted against it, it would be safe to presume that Harper is aware of the 2007 United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People. If Canada has no history of colonialism, then what else could possibly explain that Canada – along with other settler states such as Australia – have yet to sign on to the Declaration? Other than the glaringly obvious and painful reality of colonization, what would make the Declaration “unworkable for Canada”, as stated by the Harper government?

This Declaration, endorsed by an overwhelming majority of the 144 member states, recognizes that “Indigenous peoples have suffered from historic injustices as a result of, inter alia, their colonization and dispossession” and therefore affirms that “Indigenous peoples have the right of self-determination”. According to the Declaration, this includes: the right to autonomy and self government, right to maintain and strengthen political, legal, economic, social and cultural institutions, collective right to live in freedom without being subjected to acts of genocide, and right to redress and compensation for the lands, territories and resources confiscated, taken, occupied, used or damaged without free, prior and informed consent.

And was it not Harper’s government that finally issued an official apology for residential schools which separated children from their families, communities, and culture in order to ‘kill the Indian in the child’. It has been extensively documented that children suffered unimaginable abuses- including sexual violence, physical beatings, emotional and psychological torture, and death – in residential schools. The traumas of this colonial legacy continues today with Indigenous people disproportionately experiencing poverty, poor health, incarceration, youth suicides, unprecedented levels of violence against Indigenous women, child apprehension, and substandard levels of access to basic needs including water and homes.

Indigenous people from Akwasasne, Tyendinaga, Six Nations, Athabasca Chipewyan, Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug, Secwepemc, and many more are forced to throw up blockades to halt environmentally devastating mineral exploration, clearcut and logging practices, and resource extraction activities that continue to infringe on their lands. Clearly, Harper has not been blind to these very public struggles that his government is complicit in criminalizing as Canada becomes notorious for a growing group of Indigenous political prisoners, prisoners of Canada’s colonial democracy.

So obviously what Harper meant to say was the more factually accurate: “Canada has no history of colonialism, except for the ongoing internal colonization of Indigenous people and the external colonization and occupation of, amongst others, the people of Afghanistan. Not one to break with history, my government too has been making strides in asserting greater dominance over Indigenous peoples lives, lands, and governance.”

At least we can take some comfort in the fact that Harper is just another hypocritical and self-serving politician and not a history teacher.

*Community of Interest Blog
* © The Vancouver Sun

*Thanks for the link, Daryn


  1. I read this and Cried. It's hard for me to believe that our leader of our country (supposedly the best nation in the world to live) Is a Neo Nazi. He denies that anything ever happenned to the Native American People. He denies that My Uncle lost his ear due to colonialism (it was ripped off by a priest) He denied that my aunts and uncles were raped because of colonialism. This man is the Anti Christ.

  2. He certainly seems to be living in some kind of "alternate reality" bubble. Too bad so many ignorant Canadians are still gonna vote for him - don't get me wrong, Ignatief isn't any better - lets put Canadians ahead of political gain. Let's get the NDP in power - It's the one party that I believe remembers the past and therefore never doomed to repeat it.

    Now I will get off my soap-box.


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