Sunday, August 02, 2009

U.S. Soldiers accused of executing gay Iraqis

So not only are Iraqi militias like al-Qaeda and the Mahdi Army targeting queers with violent attacks because it makes them look like the un-cowardly, non-feminine heroes that they are, but new allegations say the U.S. military is, uh, doing the same thing. Sorry, what?

(Lebanon) U.S. soldiers have been accused of aiding in the execution of gay Iraqis, the Washington Blade reports. The accusations were made by two unnamed, gay Iraqi refugees during a fundraiser event at the Human Rights Campaign headquarters.

Several violent images of a beheaded gay Iraqi were shown to the audience by one of the men, who goes by the name “Hussam.” He shocked the audience by claiming U.S. soldiers have also detained and executed Iraqi men perceived to be gay.

Images were shown of a U.S. soldier standing over a group of naked men chained together who Hussam claims were gay. Hussam said he possesses images of their execution but did not show them to the audience.

“When it comes down to our armed services … who potentially have contributed to atrocities like that, I’m just appalled,” said Dana Beyer, a transgender activist and Chevy Chase, Md., resident who attended the event. “And I hope that we will pursue this through the government, through the State Department and through the Department of Defense because this just can’t be left standing.”

Several members voiced their skepticism of the events that Hussam detailed in his speech.

“It’s very difficult for me to believe that my country would allow its military to engage in the conduct that has been apparently documented,” said Chris Farris, a gay D.C. resident who also attended the event. “I would urge the U.S. government to react.”


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