Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ask The Wizard

The Wunnerful Wizard of 'OZ' Dear Wizard of 'OZ',

I can't seem to get my printer to work. Can you give me a suggestion on how to fix it? For free of course.


No Print

Dear No,

The Wizard doesn't like your attitude! I mean, if you are at a party, do you ask a lawyer for legal advice? What about a doctor? Do you ask him to examine your prostate? I think not!

Please find below a cheat sheet that may help you. (Hint: Don't try to print it until you try working thru it first!).

If you click on the picture, it should open a full size one for your reading and troubleshooting pleasure.

Tech Support Cheat sheet - click here for a larger version

So there ya go.

Hope this helps.


The Wizard

Posted on ubuntu Linux posted on ubuntu Linux

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