Friday, July 31, 2009

Wise Words...

Be Wise

Be Wise!Hidden from View
“Nothing can be loved or hated unless it is known”

- Leonardo da Vinci -

Be Wise!Be Happy

Yesterday is dead. Tomorrow hasn't arrived yet.

I have just one day and I'm going to be happy in it


Be Wise!Those That Have Little Curiosity
Some people seem to believe, that since curiosity killed the cat, that they might be next.

Be Wise!Wealth

Wealth amounts in not having great possessions

but in having few wants.


Be Wise!Keepin' It Clean

Could your allergies be stirred up by your car? Well, you may not be allergic to the motor, but allergens from animals and plants are easily transported through fabrics of all different types. And while you wash your clothes regularly, allergens can easily collect in your car's interior. Keeping your car clean and well-vacuumed is the best way to keep the allergens out.

Be Wise!Improving Yourself

If you value yourself then value others. If your make fun or tease others remember it may have a habit of coming back to haunt you in the long run. Treat people with the respect they deserve, and the way you wish to be treated, who know you may just make a friend for life.

Be Wise!Book Lovers

Read to your toddler. Teach your toddler to love books and reading. Allow the toddler to look at the pictures, turn pages, and retell the story. Ask questions about the story and pictures.

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