Thursday, January 24, 2008

Stupid kid in Auzieland

Stupid kid in AuzielandMany of you will have read or heard, somewhere on what passes for a newscast in your neck of the woods, about the scurvy little twerp from Melbourne, Australia, who held a party while his folks were away from home.

Aussie kid showing off the paper he was featured in
Problem was, he advertised it on MySpaz, and had 500 likeminded little scumbags turn up - and riot. Police, MANY police, were called, and Corey became famous...

And amid all the angst-ridden wailing on talk-back radio, at least one person saw some humour in it all:
Aussie kid cartoon
Oooops - I almost forgot: If anyone shares my feeling that this kid needs a very firm hand -- then here's the website for you -

*Thanks, Daryn

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