Sunday, January 06, 2008

Professor Michael King Publishes a Paper on The GLBT Community about Sexuality - "pious homophobia is not a substitute for truth" says Spong

This message from Professor Michael King, thru Bishop Spong and finally came through the PFLAG Canada network December 12th 2007. It is a copy of the UK Royal College of Psychiatrists submission to the Church of England's listening exercise.

Click here to read (.rtf Word Document)

*Thanks to PFLAG Canada and Integrity for the article.

feel free to send him an email...

Michael King MD PhD FRCP FRCGP FRCPsych
Professor of Primary Care Psychiatry
Contact Details:
Department of Mental Health Sciences
Hampstead Campus
Rowland Hill Street
London NW3 2PF
Direct line 020 7830 2397

Rainbow Strips*PFLAG Canada is a registered charitable organization that provides support, education and resources to parents, families and individuals who have questions or concerns about sexual orientation or gender identity.

PFLAG Canada has chapters or contacts in more than 60 communities across Canada. If you are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, two-spirit, intersex, queer or questioning, or if you care about someone who is, our compassionate volunteers are ready to help.

Rainbow Strips**Integrity Canada is a national network of local Integrity chapters, members, and friends working toward the full inclusion of gay and lesbian people in the life and ministry of the Anglican Church of Canada.

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