Wednesday, January 02, 2008

The Love Doctor

The Love Doctor Dear Love Doctor,

Is it unreasonable to expect my partner to remember my birthday? We've been together almost five years, and every year he misses it.

He really is very sweet, but he can never remember dates. He says he doesn't mean to, but he can't can't keep it straight.

Birthdays are important to me. For his, I planned a big night and scrimped and saved to buy him new golf equipment.

But, when mine rolls around, nothing!

Last week, I thought I had left enough hints that the big day was coming, but he didn't pick up on it.

Now, he's off on a business trip, and I'm sitting alone and my birthday.

Even a card would have been nice.

What can I do to keep him on track.



Dear Disappointed,

Oh, my you are down aren't you? Well, some men just don't remember birthdays and anniversaries. I'm sure he was upset when he discovered he had missed it.

Now, then, it is time to start planning for next year. For his birthday, get him a palm or daytimer, and be sure you fill in the important dates, like, your birthday, Christmas, anniversary.

Get him into the practice of using it right from the start.

Second, whenever he misses a date, make a federal case out of it. Sometimes a little drama is needed. Have a hissy fit. Give him the silent treatment. Make it a big enough show that he won't forget ever again.

I love my birthdays too, and I'd get terribly upset if the day were missed by some uncaring clod. So remember: Men have to be trained just like a puppy. And, sometimes, you need tough love.

The Love Doctor

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