Saturday, December 22, 2007

Happy YULE!

Yule Log - Happy Re-Birth!

I hear the wind howling
The ice has entered my soul
The cold seems endless
The darkness black as coal.

Yet a spark of something
Shines bright through the night
Could it be the dawning
Of approaching light?

For it’s always coldest
In the hours before dawn
Darkness is its deepest,
Facing fears we’ve drawn

How can loneliness dwell
With loved ones nearby?
Why the tiny doubts
Filling me with their cries?

So I turn my face away
Forget the winter’s chill
Celebrate Sun’s return
As my spirit thrills.

by Elspeth Sapphire

May the Blessings of the ONE be with you at this special time of year. The Wizard is feeling better and will start posting on 'OZ' again really soon. Take a look sometime soon in the New Year for more and frequent updates. Thanks again to my loyal readers who are part in parcel of me deciding to return to "The 'Other' Side of the Rainbow" You know who you are!

Take care,

--The Wizard

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