Saturday, October 13, 2007

stairway to heaven

"from the depths of darkness...the dragon lurks..calls..."

please refrain from any type of sorrow,
if you feel like crying save the tears for tomorrow.
i made the decision to eagerly wait for death for no particular reason
none at all, i'm just tired of living.
that's all.

life lost its flavor to me,
everything started looking so bland.
it felt so pointless living in a world smeared with bullshit
everywhere i walked i'd be steppin' in it.
i feel that for myself death will be better than life,
suffocation better than breath..

but for those that love me... why i don't know...

i'm tired of being told to take the straight path
when i'm the most sorry excuse for a person i know.
i no longer want to live in a world where i'm afraid to love who

i choose to love.
a place where happiness no longer exist.
i can no longer live to die
i'd rather just not live at all
with death i'm looking for a sounder way of living
be glad for me because i am no longer suffering-
be glad for me i will find complete peace soon.

live on and live strong
let bravery stand across your chest since it missed mine
wipe your tears,
i'll be dead,it will be over. i have no fears. i will be at peace. remember that.
and i'm buy-i-ing a stair-e-way to hea-a-ven.
stairway to heaven

Just a little tired with life--- that's all.

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog through a picture of a rainbow stairway to heaven, today if you will hear his voice, do not harden your heart as in the rebellion. As you read these next words please know they are in peace with you.

    If you are tired of hearing from man, then start speaking to God directly and hear from him yourself, man is man and God is God, ask him your question in a quiet place, that only you and he can hear and wait patiently for a response, it may not come straight away but you will hear from him, and when you hear from him, you will know it was from him.

    Peace and love be with you always


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