Sunday, September 30, 2007

Gay Banter:

From GaydarNation (Previous RainbowNetwork):

So gay people are supposed to have a cracking sense of humour, eh? Well, it's a good job we can laugh at ourselves. It's time to put your laughing gear to the test with our countdown of the worst gay jokes around. (Believe us - there were a lot worse than this out there in funny ole cyberspace)

10. How many gay men does it take to change a light bulb?
Three. One to screw in an Art Deco bulb, and two to shriek, "Fabulous!"

9. Why are gays more careful drivers than straights?
If they have an accident the newspaper will print their age.

8. What do you call two Irish gay guys?
Ben Dover and Phil McAvity.

7. What did one lesbian frog say to the other?
They`re right! We do taste like chicken!

6. What do you call a milkman in high heels?
Dairy Queen.

5. What do you call a lesbian with fat fingers?

4. How many gay men does it take to put in a light bulb?
Only one...but it takes an entire Emergency Room to get it out.

3. How do you make a fruit cordial?
Pat him on the bottom.

2. What do you call a gay dinosaur?

1. How do you know when you`ve been burgled by a gay guy?
The furniture`s been rearranged and there`s a quiche in the oven.

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