Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Windows Live Messenger Phishing

Windows Live Messenger In the last few days, many Windows Live Messenger (MSN) users may have received a message of this form (don't visit the links) :

· Get surprise at http://www.messengerweb.info/ Unbelievable!

· Hey, http://www.messengerweb.info/ helps u find out who is your friend!

· U have deleted me! Look here http://www.messengerweb.info

If you received this type of message, it doesn’t mean that is was coming from a bot or a worm, but it was just friends on your contact list who have given out their username and password to this service. The service then sends messages to everyone on their contact list.

If you received this type of message you should disregard it and not visit any referenced links or open any attached files.

My recommendations:

· As with emails, do not open links or files from unknown sources or be careful before to do so

· Never give your account details to third parties

· If you provided your credentials to these sites, I recommend you change your Live/MSN/Passport/Hotmail password as soon as possible

Reference: Symantec Live Response

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