Saturday, July 28, 2007

Amateur scholar claims Leonardo painting reveals mysterious figures

Slavisa Pesci MILAN, Italy - (UP) A new theory that Leonardo’s “Last Supper” might hide within it a depiction of Christ blessing the bread and wine has triggered so much interest that Web sites connected to the picture have crashed.

The famous fresco is already the focus of mythical speculation after author Dan Brown based his “The Da Vinci Code” book around the painting, arguing in the novel that Jesus married his follower, Mary Magdelene, and fathered a child.

Now Slavisa Pesci, an information technologist and amateur scholar, says superimposing the “Last Supper” with its mirror-image throws up another picture containing a figure who looks like a Templar knight and another holding a small baby.

“I came across it by accident, from some of the details you can infer that we are not talking about chance but about a precise calculation,” Pesci told journalists when he unveiled the theory earlier this week.

Web sites,, and had 15 million hits on Thursday morning alone, organizers said, adding they were trying to provide a more powerful server for the sites.

In the superimposed version, a figure on Christ’s left appears to be cradling a baby in its arms, Pesci said, but he made no suggestion this could be Christ’s child.

The Last Supper - Click here for a larger picture
Click on it for a larger picture

Judas, whose imminent betrayal of Christ is the force breaking the right-hand line of the original fresco, appears in an empty space on the left in the reverse image version. And Pesci also suggests that the superimposed version shows a goblet before Christ and illustrates when Christ blessed bread and wine at a supper with his disciples for the first Eucharist.

The original Da Vinci depicts Christ when he predicts that one among them will betray him.

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousJuly 31, 2007

    The DaVinci project has been under way since 2005 with hundreds of “Pictures within Pictures.”. We are in the process of building a comprehensive documentary presenting these extraordinary findings.
    Leonardo da Vinci, " Pictures Within Pictures "
    Outside the box, outside the frame
    An intimate and divine truth hidden for centuries at last unveiled in the Mona Lisa, and yes, in other of Leonardo's works including his first recorded drawing, the Landscape of the Arno Valley and his masterpiece, The Virgin and Child with St. Anne and the infant St. John the Baptist, “the last supper” and others as well.
    Anew never before recognized perspective hidden for five hundred years in plain sight, Emerges! Leonardo's message, Pictures Within Picturthes outside the box, outside the frame,, initially discovered and documented in 2005 by Michael Domoretsky of Ipswich Massachusetts.
    Five hundred years after Leonardo's lifetime, his genius and message come to light in mirrors and optical illusions. His " secret code” have been hidden in plain sight to be deciphered outside the original borders of the painting using a " perpendicular reverse mirror image process." Leonardo, (actually Lionardo ) was a man of formidable intellect, talent, craft and most importantly a man of curiosity who observed " truth " in the world in all its forms...Physical, Philosophical, and Religious. He was hundreds of years ahead of his time, constrained by the religious tenets and politics of his day. As a result he was unable to express reality, as he perceived it, and so devised a means by which to conceal his truths from all those whom he did not want to understand them for fear of persecution. Being a man of science and art as well as one of the most inventive men of all time, he appears to have imbued his art with multiple levels of meaning; at one level beautiful works of art...On a second and un-deciphered level, until Michael W. Domoretsky discovered the images and processes invented by Leonardo da Vinci, in 2005, appears to challenge the dogma of his day and pass on his beliefs, observations and truths using a process that only one who perceived the world outside the accepted realm, a scientist or mathematician might discover.
    The more in-dept and familiar one becomes with Leonardo the man, the more these unique finds make sense. Unlike other artist that are painters first, painting what they see or the impression of what they see, Leonardo appears to have been a scientist and inventor first, then artist, using his sharp powers of observation and reason to create both timeless works of art and as yet not fully deciphered messages for those not limited by traditional thinking.
    The more carefully his words, deeds, apparent opinions and interest are studied,
    the more credence can be given to his seeking to preserve his thoughts and observations by unorthodox means.
    Leonardo left clues... He was credited with having said; the eye, " Who would believe that so small a space could contain the images of all the universe." Leonardo believed that the perception by the eye; light, dark, shadow, and perspective held the secrets of the world. Hence, when you include Leonardo's life long fascination with mirrors and writing backward it appears likely that he would choose to use constructs and concepts familiar and unique to him to transmit and yet hide from a restrictive and turbulent society, his most treasured messages.
    For hundreds of years scholars have continued to study Leonardo's priceless works of art using the most cutting edge technologies available. In recent times millions of dollars have been allocated to perform all types of scientific studies seeking to determine if Leonardo hid anything underneath his finished works...all within the frame of his artworks. The plain and obvious truth is that he did hide things… however Leonardo was forced to work within the limitations and utilized the technologies of his day. His meanings are in plain sight but only for those able to think outside the box and frame. All of the writings and documents relating to Leonardo, point to his being deliberate and patient in everything he did, both in his creations and his art; so it would appear all but inconceivable that in his major and personally treasured works, that every detail would have been a deliberate act of thought, and not an inadvertent inclusion. A minor anomaly in a masterpiece might happen, though unlikely in multiple of masterpieces by such a perfectionist. Clearly recognizable, perfectly formed symmetrical symbols on both sides of his best masterpieces, utilizing mirrors, a technique Leonardo was well know to have used, make it being anything but intentional, all but impossible. You be the judge.
    We welcome comments by all interested parties and will post appropriate comments.
    All rights reserved, no unauthorized copying or republishing without express written permission by owner.
    Copyright; Michael W. Domoretsky / / 2005~2007~
    Da Vinci and the Secret of the Mona Lisa, article by: ThothWeb,
    The da Vinci Project
    Managing Director: Michael W. Domoretsky Director: M. Graham Noll

    My response to the article by on

    The Secret image 'found' in Last Supper
    My Response: Dated 7-27-07 below:
    Madonna, Templar hidden in masterpiece, says expert.
    Pesci Slavisa has indeed found one of the many “Pictures in Pictures” outside the box, outside the frame, encrypted by Leonardo da Vinci in his various paintings found originally by Michael Domoretsy and the DaVinci project in 2005. We congratulate Mr. Slavisa on independently duplicating our discoveries, if indeed, they are the same process we discovered. We welcome independent corroboration and recognition of images that use the “perpendicular reverse mirror imaging process” and the “optical illusion “Leonardo da Vinci invented to encrypt, “Pictures With Pictures” a technique first discovered, understood, and documented in 2005 by Mr. Michael W. Domoretsky of Ipswich Massachusetts u.s.a.
    As usual, as is our experience repeated time and time again, renowned art critics and professed art experts, such Vittorio Scarbi and many others, base their opinions on accepted art world and art education precepts looking at DaVinci’s works as artists not scientists, inventors and very likely a member of the Mason’s guild (though unproven). Few if any of these “accepted” experts have read his notes in detail or studied the man himself and thus fail to understand and make the connection that he worked outside the box. DaVinci was known to have used mirrors extensively in his writings. It is therefore highly likely and to be expected that he would do something similar in his paintings if he sought to hide ideas, concepts or opinions.
    We submit that only someone “as ignorant as a goat” could fail even to consider that a man of DaVinci’s genius and propensity for innovation might possibly think and communicate outside the box, with hidden images, or hide his, what might possibly be considered, heretic or dangerous free thinking ideas by encrypting them in his works of art.
    As always it is difficult to persuade experts professing established thought in any field to consider new, alternate or previously un accepted ideas…. But then the experts thought the world was flat for centuries…
    The da Vinci Project
    Managing Director,
    Michael W. Domoretsky


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