Monday, October 31, 2005

The attraction to Wicca

Study of unique religion boosts this believer's sense of self

Dauna Ditson
The Regina Sun
October 30, 2005

While youngsters are collecting candy on Halloween dressed as scary witches and goblins, modern-day witches – called Wiccans – will be celebrating the dead.
Tammy, a Wiccan who asked that her last name not be revealed because she "hasn't fully come out of the broom-closet yet," said she and her coven – a congregation of Wiccans – will welcome Samhain, the day of the dead, with a ceremony in remembrance of their ancestors.

People who aren't familiar with pagan spirituality often have misconceptions of what Wicca is, said Tammy. Contrary to pop culture, Wiccans do not serve, or even believe in, the devil, demons, or hell, she said, although they do believe in gods.

All religions worship the same divine being, but have their own ways of interpreting that being, Tammy said.  Because of those differences, she said "I would feel uncomfortable if a Christian was praying for my soul."

Tammy uses magic.  In her opinion, performing spells is no creepier than praying, because it's just asking a spiritual power for help, she said. Tammy said she does a variety of spells, including spells for healing, protection, fertility, and money.

Wiccans are very cautious with their spells, she pointed out. They are not allowed to use magic to hurt others or themselves.  As well, she never does spells on other people without their permission, she said.

Many Wiccans believe their actions have karma-like consequences.  Magic done to others comes back three times stronger on the one who performed the spell, Tammy explained. Because spells can have consequences, Tammy said, "you have to make sure know what you want before you ask for it."

Tammy's described a situation during which her fellow Wiccans' magic go out of control.  Several individual Wiccans performed weather spells on a hot summer day, she said, asking for relief from the heat.  But because so many of them did the spell, thinking they were doing it on their own, the spells backfired caused a big storm, Tammy said.

Because she never knows exactly what will happen, Tammy said she prefers to avoid the more controversial spells like those for weather or love. Tammy described herself as quite a skeptical person, but added that she's experienced magic "one too many times to not believe."

For example, after her friend did a fertility spell, the woman because pregnant with twins.  And after Tammy did a spell on her husband, he got the promotion she asked for, she said.

Tammy grew up as a Roman Catholic and went to church with her grandparents.  When she was around 12 or 13, she said she stopped going to church because no one could answer her questions.  Around this time, Tammy said she because curious about the occult and the supernatural world. After studying many religions, Tammy decided to become a Wiccan 10 years ago.

Wicca is a form of pagan spirituality that involves worshiping a god and goddess, celebrating nature and the seasons, and taking care of the earth, she explained.  Wiccans honour their god and goddess when they perform acts like composting, feeding the birds, and volunteering in the community.  While recognizing the elements of fire, water, earth, air, and spirit, Tammy summoned air, and said suddenly "it was like somebody put the air-conditioning on."

She said her experiences while worshipping vary.  For example, sometimes she sees a lady in white, feels someone holding her hands, or just feels there's a presence near her. Tammy said she appreciates being part of a coven because talking with others helps validate her own experiences.  "It makes you feel better because then you don't think you're crazy," she said.

Tammy said she enjoys how empowering Wicca is and feels more in control of her life since discovering her spiritual side.

"I have more of a sense of myself", she said, explaining that being Wiccan has improved her self-esteem because now she has a supernatural support system.

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