Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Ask The Wizard (Cable vs. DSL / HD TV / Medication Tracking Software / Tip of the week)

The Wunnerfull Wizard of 'OZ' Dear Wizard of 'OZ',

I'm finally ready to switch to high-speed Internet service. Both cable Internet and DSL are available where I live. I've heard arguments from both sides about which is better. What do you think?


Speed Me Up, Scotty

Dear Scotty,

Cable and DSL both provide a connection that's always on, so there's no need to dial up each time you want to go online. But there are differences between them.

Cable generally is faster than DSL. Shaw, for example, claims download speeds of up to 4 Mbps for its standard high-speed service, while SaskTel says its basic DSL service runs at between 384 Kbps and 1.5 Mbps. For everyday Web browsing, you'd never need the higher cable speed and probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference. If you download a lot of music or video, however, cable can do it faster.

The other big factor, as you point out, is price. SaskTel's DSL can be had for about $30-35 per month, while Shaw cable Internet will cost you more than $40. Complicating the picture are installation costs for the services and the price of a modem, but overall, I'd give the value edge right now to DSL.

Hope this helps.


The Wizard

The Wunnerfull Wizard of 'OZ' Dear Wizard of 'OZ',

I'm in the market for an LCD television that I can use for high-definition programs. If I get one that has an integrated HD tuner, will I be able to receive HD programming through my cable without having to use a set-top box?

Signed, bored with TV

Dear Bored,

Not likely, friend. Tuners in most HDTVs only allow you to receive high-def programming over the air (and only if you also get a special antenna and if you can receive HD signals in your area). To get HD through your cable, you'll need the HD set-top box from the cable company.

Even in the few cases where the set is designed to plug directly into a cable, it won't work if the tuner in the set is incompatible with the cable company's HDTV protocol. And because the protocols are constantly evolving, the built-in tuner could soon be obsolete in any case.

Better to forget the integrated tuner and get an "HD ready" set. Just make sure it can display HDTV pictures, not just accept the signal. Then hook it up to an HD set-top box, and you're in business.

Hope this helps.


The Wizard

The Wunnerfull Wizard of 'OZ' Dear Wizard of 'OZ',

Does anyone make good software for keeping track of personal medical records? When my children were little, I was always having trouble remembering when they were vaccinated and which medicines they had taken. Now that I will be a grandmother, I want my kids to be able to do a better job with their babies. Also, I'd like to maintain a list of diseases and illnesses I've had and the medicines I take.

Signed, Confused with Meds

Dear Confused,

Programs with features you're looking for include RecordSmart ($39, online at, Health-Minder ($35, at and HealthFrame ($39.95, at However, you may not need special software.

Basically, you want to create a database into which you can plug medical records and history. If you already have database software such as Microsoft Access or Microsoft Works (a suite that includes a database program), you're in business.

Even a spreadsheet program such as Excel (or Works, which also has a spreadsheet program), can be used to keep track of medical records. One big advantage of building your own database is that you can customize it -- something that's difficult or impossible with off-the-shelf offerings.

Hope this helps.


The Wizard


Opera, a good alternative Web browser, is now completely free. The Norwegian makers of the software have decided that the only way to compete against Microsoft's Internet Explorer and, more importantly, the upstart Firefox browser from is to eliminate the ad banners in the free version of Opera.

I still like Firefox better, but at zero cost, Opera's worth a try. You can download it at

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